Pressing on with our environmental efforts, we at Faital added to our already highly technological profile an ecologically conscious approach by harnessing solar power.
The Chieve plant, in the Cremona province, is the location chosen by Faital to install the manufacturing operations for the entire range dedicated to the professional audio world, in other words, the FaitalPRO division. This modern manufacturing facility has constantly sustained technological innovations over time and is now equipped with a powerful photovoltaic system of extremely modern conception which is, above all, dedicated to energy savings and reducing Faital's Carbon footprint.
Initially opened in 1978, the Chieve production plant has continuously been updated following and at times even anticipating the most advanced technological trends, including the installation of highly automated production lines, that guarantee the accurate reproduction and consistently high quality of the entire pro-audio range. The Chieve plant roof presented the ideal layout and orientation for the solar panels planned for this project. This new power generation system was designed and built to achieve outstanding production efficiency - thus significant savings – as well as to continue on Faital's pursuit for always more "ecologically conscious" operations and guaranteeing FaitalPRO's ever "greener" signature. In fact, Faital states that on a power level, this new installation is aligned with the global policy for energy savings in terms of consumption and it is not by chance that this photovoltaic system was designed to cover 40% of the internal energy requirements. On the other hand, from the increasingly important ecological point of view, the new system will also prevent dumping several tons of harmful CO2 into the atmosphere every year.
The system's installed capacity is 199 KWp with an annual estimated contribution of 210,000 kWh, equivalent to about 40% of the Chieve plant's current annual consumption.The official data indicate a significant savings of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere, almost 111,000 kg per year, which means sparing more than 2,000 metric tons of CO2 emissions over the next 20 year. The system was officially activated the last week of June 2012 and the entire installation was completed in a record two months time. In all the setup includes 848 polycrystalline panels (Sovello Pure Power L with 235 Wp each and a guaranteed output for at least 25 years) and eight Delta Solivia 20TL inverters, all Made in Germany.
With a useful life of over 25 years, this system is the latest step forward in Faital's long term and long established consideration for the safety of the environment.
Enviromental ComplianceOver the years Faital has always stayed ahead of the European Union's environmental requirements. Continuous studies and implementation of changes and controls are aimed at guaranteeing a lower impact on the environment of all Faital processes. This lead to the attainment of the important and certainly not widely awarded ISO 14001, a certification that is exclusively bestowed on companies that respect very stringent, specifically defined "environmental management requisites" and that is not a requirement but a voluntary act of those who seek coherent, efficient and sustainable improvement in environmental protection matters: a certification with the goal of - "establishing/implementing/actively maintaining/improving a system of sustainable environmental management".
Faital S.p.A. is committed to complying with all applicable laws and regulations, including the European Union's Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) and Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS2) directives.
The WEEE Directive (2012/19/EU) The Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directive (WEEE) of the European Parliament and of the Council of July 4th, 2012 applies to companies that manufacture, sell, distribute, recycle or treat electrical and electronic equipment to consumers in the European Union (EU). It covers all large and small household appliances, IT equipment, radio and audio equipment, electrical tools and telecommunications equipment. The Directive aims to reduce the waste arising from electrical and electronic equipment and to improve the environmental performance of all those involved in the life cycle of these products.
RoHS2 Directive (2011/65/EU)

The Restriction of Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic Equipment (RoHS2) Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council of June 8th, 2011. It affects manufacturers, sellers, distributors and recyclers of electrical and electronic equipment containing Lead, Cadmium, Mercury, Hexavalent Chrome, Polybrominated Biphenyl (PBB) and Polybrominated Diphenyl Ether (PBDE). Therefore the use of these materials is banned in all products sold in Europe.
FaitalPRO has established a number of Project Teams to assess implementation alternatives and to understand the supply chain issues associated with conformance to these Directives. These teams are working with our suppliers to ensure that RoHS2 compliant materials are provided and do not adversely impact the quality and reliability of our products. In addition, these teams oversee several complex engineering projects to ensure that our manufacturing processes continue to meet our high quality standards after the transition has been made. Material composition data and certification is continuously being collected/updated for all components and parts and are available upon request. |
FaitalPRO processes and products fully comply with both the WEEE and the RoHS2 directives.
If you have any specific questions with reference to WEEE or RoHS2 status for any FaitalPRO product or Faital's efforts with respect to complying with WEEE and RoHS2 compliance, don't hesitate to contact us directly or through our CONTACT FORM on this website.
Downloadable Contents ► Company Profile (35.5 MB)
► Eco-Conscious by Faital (2.5 MB)