Fabbrica Italiana Altoparlanti S.p.A. is founded in Milan in 1958 as a small family-run business. At the end of the 60s, Faital becomes one of the main Italian loudspeaker manufacturers, accounting for 40% of national demand. Faital initially manufactures loudspeakers for radios and audio systems and later introduces its products into the market for television amplifier systems. As a result of constant technical and business development, the company gradually expands to cover many areas of industry. |
Faital enters the automotive field and ventures beyond national boundaries with their first European clients. In order to satisfy increasing market demand and their new European clients, in 1974 the company opens a new plant in Chieve, near Crema, Italy.
The growth trend continues. Faital becomes the official loudspeaker supplier to various car manufacturers. The company undertakes a innovation and technological development process with investments aimed at updating plants and enhancing the areas of R&D and Human Resources. The company commits to TOTAL QUALITY and sets their main objective as "Zero Defects".
In the early 1990s, Sofaital S.A. is established in France and a new plant is opened, in Argenteuil, near Paris. A few years later, FAITAL contributes to the establishment of a new manufacturing facility in Vacarisses, Spain near Barcelona. With the addition of Sofaital in France and Fabrica Iberica in Spain, the Faital Group becomes the leading European manufacturer of loudspeakers for the automotive industry. The Group considers with increasing interest the possibility of entering the North American market. |