Specializing in high quality, hand-crafted musical instrument speakers, studio sub-woofers, and large format studio playback monitor enclosures."
When speaking to him, he points out: " Bill Jenkins Sound offers high end studio audio solutions, expertise specifically in low frequency speakers. In particular we feel quite confident in subwoofers specifically designed for todays modern music requirements".
Bill's direction is to bridge a gap between antiquated speaker systems and the new music being produced and recorded today.
His view is that everybody in the music industry is a potential customer and he will go through great lengths to create a custom experience for each and every one of them.
The pro audio market is a digitally ever expanding market still reliant on analog based technologies (a speaker is a speaker).
Digital audio is smaller, more compact and efficient, but on the flip side, he can see a rise of the home producer and less of the traditional production studio.
It used to be that speakers were mainly a professional market. Not so now.
FaitalPRO has really opened up the market and has let general consumers play and explore with high quality equipment as well as giving professionals high quality components and parts.
Bill uses a wide variety of FaitalPRO products from studio design to live audio and he continues to develop new products using FaitalPRO as his building block.
Bill comments that there is only one difference between FaitalPRO and other products which is that FaitalPRO products last.
The high quality, design and production that Faital puts out means his customers can drive their components harder and longer and it has been proven time and time again.
One particular studio application comes to mind, Aftermath Studios in Sherman Oaks, CA USA. Here, Bill used 16 units of 18XL1600 loudspeakers for an exclusively designed enclosure for the venue.
After meeting with the Engineering Team at Aftermath he found that they were blowing out and blowing up another manufactures woofers on a weekly basis. The FaitalPRO woofers in his new design have now been in use in the studio for over two years without showing any signs of failure or reduction in performance, power handling, tonality and overall musicality – remarkable!
Bill quotes, "I have used and love all of the FaitalPRO products especially the larger format woofers as I am guaranteed another satisfied customer. First hand referrals from professional to professional make for a better business environment as they already know I am capable of helping them improve the overall experience and durability of their new systems I design specifically for each one of them.
No two venues are identical so how can you take a pre-packaged solution and expect anything more than OK versus hugs and kisses from grown men with beards and mustaches, hilarious in fact".
Bill's final point and bottom line is to go to FaitalPRO for the majority of his projects and he will continue to do so.
To sign off from the great man himself, "Great people, great products and bulletproof in the hands of those who know what they are doing."
Bill Jenkins, Bill Jenkins Sound